Yay for 2021! This week, we’re going to talk about what’s coming in Laney world. I jumped into writing Reverse Harem this year, and found that I loved it. Actually, I loved reading it, and that is when I decided to write it. I completed two series, Academy of the Underworld, and Nobledark Academy. I love them both. For 2021, I’m going to slide over from working on the story lines in those two series, and start a new one.
What is it about Reverse Harem that is so satisfying? For me, it’s that a woman is able to find herself loving more than one person, and having mates that meet different needs. Is that realistic? I don’t know. What I love is that it means the heroine has mates who are focused on her, because they know that she has choices, and she chose them. So they damn well better step up and be deserving of the honor. That’s the place I come from every time I create the relationships that make up my RH series. She’s lucky to have them, and they are damn lucky to have her.
Look for a more specific discussion of the other series I’ll be putting out next week!
When will we get Violets story? Will Raven and Olivia be in it as well?